Histoire sociale / Social History is a leading publication of socio-historical research. The journal publishes content on all types of social phenomena, whether cultural, political, economic, or demographic, without methodological, temporal, or geographic restrictions.
Journal History
Founded in 1968, Histoire sociale / Social History has become a leading publication of socio-historical research. The journal includes articles, research notes, book reviews, and other submissions that contribute to social history in Canada and abroad. The journal publishes content on all types of social phenomena, whether cultural, political, economic, or demographic, without methodological, temporal, or geographic restrictions. The journal gives priority to studies that explicitly integrate different sub-fields of social history and are innovative in sources, method, or interpretation.
In past years, Histoire sociale / Social History has published special issues focused on specific topics, such as “Agriculture, Food, and Fuel Markets in Canada, 1860s-1990s” (no. 111, September 2021); “Activist Lives: Social Movements, Oral History and Biography” (no. 108, October 2020); “Slavery, Memory, Power: France and Its Former Colonies” (no. 107, May 2020);, “Canadian Tourism History“ (no. 99, June 2016); and “Canadian Perspectives on the First World War“ (no. 94, June 2014). Such special issues are designed to complement our regular publications.
The journal also contains a lengthy section of book reviews that provides a critical look at the most recent publications in the field.
Founded by historians from the University of Ottawa and Carleton University, Histoire sociale / Social History benefits today from the collaboration of colleagues from the University of Ottawa and York University. The journal is published twice yearly, in May and November, with the financial assistance of the University of Ottawa, York University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Editorial Board
- Laura Madokoro, Carleton University, Carleton
- Carolyn Podruchny, York University, Canada
- Nicole Neatby, Saint Mary’s University, Canada
- Michele A. Johnson, York University, Canada
- Jennifer A. Stephen, York University, Canada
Book Review Editor
- Forrest Pass, City of Ottawa Museums, Canada
- Serge Durflinger, University of Ottawa, Canada
Advisory Committee
- Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
- Marise Bachand, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
- Louise Bienvenue, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
- Keith Thor Carlson, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Colin M. Coates, York University, Canada
- Audra A. Diptée, Carleton University, Canada
- Gerhard Ens, University of Alberta, Canada
- Karen Flynn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States
- Jean-Philippe Garneau, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Brian Gettler, University of Toronto, Canada
- Steven High, Concordia University, Canada
- Dirk Hoerder, Universität Salzburg, Austria
- Ollivier Hubert, Université de Montréal, Canada
- Serge Jaumain, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, Carleton University, Canada
- Royden Loewen, University of Winnipeg, Canada
- Mary Jane Logan McCallum, University of Winnipeg, Canada
- Jeffrey L. McNairn, Queen’s University, Canada
- Mercedes Pricto, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador
- John G. Reid, Saint Mary’s University, Canada
- Anthony Steinhoff, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Shurlee Swain, Australian Catholic University, Australia
- Laurent Turcot, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Managing Editor
- Danika Gourgon
Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
Social History publishes articles, research notes, book reviews, and other submissions that contribute to social history in Canada and elsewhere. The journal publishes content on all types of social phenomena, whether cultural, political, economic, or demographic, without methodological, temporal, or geographic restrictions. The journal gives priority to studies that explicitly integrate different sub-fields of social history and are innovative in source, method, or interpretation. The content of articles and book reviews is the responsibility of the authors alone.
Peer Review Process
Submissions are transmitted to the editorial committee to assess whether it meets the aims and scope of the journal and merits being sent out for peer review. All articles are reviewed by at least two external readers; research notes are reviewed by at least one external reader. The review process is conducted entirely anonymously, whereby neither the authors nor the reviewers should know one another’s identities. This process takes on average four months to complete.
Author Self-Archiving
Authors are permitted to deposit published manuscripts in an institutional repositories to fulfil any Open Access requirements demanded by funding agencies.
Open Access
Authors who wish to make their published manuscript freely available (Open Access) are asked to communicate with the journal upon submission to discuss options.
The Journal’s Open Access material can be found archived on its OJS webpage.
Review Guidelines
Submissions are evaluated on the following criteria:
- The quality and originality of the research and arguments (content);
- The quality of the presentation and writing (form);
- The suitability of the submission for publication in Histoire sociale / Social History.
Les Publications Histoire sociale / Social History Inc.
Sources of Support